
OSMnx 1.0 Is Here

Happy new year! After five years of development and over 2,000 code commits from dozens of contributors, OSMnx v1.0 has officially been released. This has been a long labor of love and I’m thrilled to see it reach this milestone.

Much has changed in recent months with new features added and a few things deprecated. Most of this development occurred in a major overhaul over the summer, which I covered at the time in three previous posts. Among these dozens of enhancements were major speed and efficiency improvements throughout the package, better visualization, a new geometries module for retrieving any geospatial objects from OSM, topological intersection consolidation, and much more. I encourage you to read those posts to familiarize yourself with what’s new.

Since then, several final enhancements have been made and now released in v1.0.0. Many functions are much faster now, including intersection consolidation which is up to 50× faster on very large graphs. You can also query for a place by its OSM ID using the geocoder module. Finally, note that OSMnx now caches server responses by default to both make code faster and to be a “good neighbor” to the server. This can be configured if necessary using the config function.

So, if you haven’t already, download the latest release and enjoy a faster and more powerful OSMnx. For more details, check out the current OSMnx documentation and usage examples.

One reply on “OSMnx 1.0 Is Here”

Hey Geoff,
I’ve played a bit with the OSMnx package. Thanks for making this project. I love it! Is it possible to creates routes depending on infrastructure around the route? Maybe something like this: Choose a route with the highest possible proximity to green spaces? Couldnt find something like this in the examples.

Thanks for your help,

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