
Zephyr Foundation Award

I am happy to share that I was awarded the Zephyr Foundation’s 2025 Exceptional Technical Achievement Award for my work on OSMnx. This annual award recognizes a project that has had a positive impact on the fields or transportation and/or land use decision-making.

This year will mark the 10th anniversary of my work on the OSMnx project. It recently reached version 2.0 with a slew of new features and enhancements. If you haven’t used it before, OSMnx is a Python package to easily download, model, analyze, and visualize street networks and any other geospatial features from OpenStreetMap. You can download and model walking, driving, or biking networks with a single line of code then quickly analyze and visualize them. You can just as easily work with urban amenities/points of interest, building footprints, transit stops, elevation data, street orientations, speed/travel time, and routing.

If you’re interested in this tool, you can read more about it here.


Global Healthy and Sustainable City Indicators

I recently co-authored an article, “Global Healthy and Sustainable City Indicators: Collaborative Development of an Open Science Toolkit for Calculating and Reporting on Urban Indicators Internationally,” now published in Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. This was a collaboration with my colleagues at the Global Observatory of Healthy and Sustainable Cities, in which we discuss our spatial software co-development process with collaborators and practitioners around the world.

From the abstract:

Measuring and monitoring progress towards achieving healthy, equitable and sustainable cities is a priority for planners, policymakers and researchers in diverse contexts globally. Yet data collection, analysis, visualisation and reporting on policy and spatial indicators involve specialised knowledge, skills, and collaboration across disciplines. Integrated open-source tools for calculating and communicating urban indicators for diverse urban contexts are needed, which provide the multiple streams of evidence required to influence policy agendas and enable local changes towards healthier and more sustainable cities. This paper reports on the development of open-source software for planning, analysis and generation of data, maps and reports on policy and spatial indicators of urban design and transport features for healthy and sustainable cities. We engaged a collaborative network of researchers and practitioners from diverse geographic contexts through an online survey and workshops, to understand and progressively meet their requirements for policy and spatial indicators. We outline our framework for action research-informed open-source software development and discuss benefits and challenges of this approach. The resulting Global Healthy and Sustainable City Indicators software is designed to meet the needs of researchers, planners, policy makers and community advocates in diverse settings for planning, calculating and disseminating policy and spatial urban indicators.

For more, check out the article.


OSMnx 2.0 Released

OSMnx version 2.0.0 has been released. This has been a massive effort over the past year to streamline the package’s API, re-think its internal organization, and optimize its code. Today OSMnx is faster, more memory efficient, and fully type-annotated for a better user experience.

If you haven’t used it before, OSMnx is a Python package to easily download, model, analyze, and visualize street networks and any other geospatial features from OpenStreetMap. You can download and model walking, driving, or biking networks with a single line of code then quickly analyze and visualize them. You can just as easily work with urban amenities/points of interest, building footprints, transit stops, elevation data, street orientations, speed/travel time, and routing.OSMnx: Figure-ground diagrams of one square mile of each street network, from OpenStreetMap, made in Python with matplotlib, geopandas, and NetworkXThis has now been a labor of love for me for about 9 years. Wow. I initially developed this package to enable the empirical research for my dissertation. Since then, it has powered probably 2/3 of the articles I’ve published over the years. And it has received hundreds of contributions from many other code contributors. Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible.

I hope you find the package as useful as I do. Now I’m looking forward to all of your bug reports.


Access to the Exclusive City

I recently coauthored an article in Urban Studies with Julia Harten titled “Access to the Exclusive City: Home Sharing as an Affordable Housing Strategy.” We examined how shared housing serves increasingly diverse populations as a pathway into otherwise unaffordable housing submarkets.

From the abstract:

Home sharing, particularly via online platforms, is becoming a mainstream housing strategy as social processes evolve and housing costs rise. Recent research has studied shared rentals as a modality for students and kin-based households, as one strategy among diversifying pathways to housing and as a social phenomenon. However, we still know little about whether it actually creates opportunities for home seekers in unaffordable markets. Analysing online rental listings in Los Angeles, we find that shared rentals are both more affordable and more widely available across diverse neighbourhoods than traditional whole-unit rentals. Shared rentals have historically been understudied due to their limited data trail, but they offer important entryways into unaffordable markets. We argue for shared housing research to shift its traditional focus away from students and young adults and towards a broader exploration of the diverse populations that may benefit from or depend on shared housing.

For more, check out the article.


The Structure of Street Networks

I recently coauthored an article titled “A Review of the Structure of Street Networks” with Marc Barthelemy in Transport Findings. On a personal note, Marc has long been a personal hero of mine and was the 2nd most cited author in my dissertation, after Mike Batty (who I also recently had the pleasure of collaborating with).

Street network orientation in Chicago (low entropy), New Orleans (medium entropy), and Rome (high entropy) with polar histograms.From the abstract:

We review measures of street network structure proposed in the recent literature, establish their relevance to practice, and identify open challenges facing researchers. These measures’ empirical values vary substantially across world regions and development eras, indicating street networks’ geometric and topological heterogeneity.

For more, check out the article.


OSMnx 2.0 Beta

OSMnx v2.0.0 is targeted for release later in 2024. This major release includes some breaking changes (including removing previously deprecated functionality) that are not backwards compatible with v1. See the migration guide and reference paper for details.

The first beta pre-release is out now, and testers are needed. If you use OSMnx, you can help test it by installing the latest pre-release. Create a virtual environment then run: pip install --pre osmnx

For more, check out the migration guide and reference paper.


Resilient by Design

I have a new article out now in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. Here’s a free open-access preprint if you lack institutional access.

We simulate over 2.4 billion trips across every urban area in the world to measure street network vulnerability to disasters, then measure the relationships between street network design and these vulnerability indicators.

First we modeled the street networks of more than 8,000 urban areas in 178 countries. Then, for each urban area, we simulated disasters of 3 different types (representing floods, earthquakes, and targeted attacks) and 10 different extents. Then we simulated over 2.4 billion trips on these networks to measure how certain trips become more circuitous or even impossible to complete as parts of the network fail after a disaster. Finally we built a model to predict how much a disaster would impact trips.


Street Network Design and GHG Emissions

I have a new article out in Transportation Research Part D that estimates relationships between street network characteristics and transport CO2 emissions across every urban area in the world and investigates whether they are the same across development levels and design paradigms.

The relationships between street network design and transport emissions in the US, Europe, and China are well-studied. But not so in many of the most rapidly developing parts of the world. Practitioners lack a strong local evidence base for local evidence-informed planning.


Air Pollution Exposure in Los Angeles

I have a new article out now in Urban Studies, which finds that—all else equal—residents of Los Angeles census tracts that generate more vehicular travel tend to be exposed to less vehicular air pollution, and that tracts with a larger non-white population proportion—whether high- or low-income—experience more air pollution than do whiter but otherwise similar tracts. There’s also a free, open access pre-print available.

Twentieth century planners designed and constructed an enormous network of expressways to open up growing American metropolises to motorists. Vast swaths of established urban neighborhoods were bulldozed to clear new channels for suburban residents to drive to job centers. Yet some older neighborhoods survived relatively unscathed.

For example, in Los Angeles, local residents organized to protest and eventually successfully cancel plans to extend State Route 2 through the affluent communities of Beverly Hills and Los Angeles’s westside. In contrast, similar grassroots efforts failed in Los Angeles’s eastside, where several major freeways carved up its less-affluent and less-white neighborhoods.


Delivering Healthy and Sustainable Cities

I have a new article out now in The Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy, coauthored with a team that includes several of the folks from our recent series in The Lancet Global Health. The JCCPE article, “A Pathway to Prioritizing and Delivering Healthy and Sustainable Cities,” synthesizes findings and recommended policy actions arising from that recent TLGH series.

From the abstract:

Creating healthy and sustainable cities should be a global priority. Some cities prioritize 15-minute cities as a planning approach with co-benefits for health, climate change mitigation, equity, and economic recovery from COVID-19. Yet, as our recent The Lancet Global Health series on “Urban Design, Transport, and Health” showed, many cities have a long way to go to achieve this vision. This policy guideline summarizes the main findings of the series, which assessed health and sustainability indicators for 25 cities in 19 countries. We then outline steps governments can take to strengthen policy frameworks and deliver more healthy, equitable, and sustainable built environments. The Lancet Global Health series provided clear evidence that cities need to transform urban governance to enable integrated planning for health and sustainability and commit to policy implementation. Evidence-informed indicators should be used to benchmark and monitor progress. Cities need policy frameworks that are comprehensive and consistent with evidence, with measurable policy targets to support implementation and accountability. The series provided evidence-informed thresholds for some key urban design and transport features, which can be embedded as policy targets. Policies and interventions must prioritize identifying and reducing inequities in access to health-supportive environments. Governments should also invest in open data and promote citizen-science programmes, to support indicator development and research for public benefit. We provide tools to replicate our indicators and an invitation to join our 1,000 Cities Challenge via the Global Observatory of Healthy and Sustainable Cities.

For more, check out the JCCPE article itself. And you may also be interested in our recent The Lancet Global Health series of articles that developed similar themes in great depth.