
The following media publications have covered my work or interviewed me:

CNU Public Square. “An Innovative Street Grid Proposal.” February 25, 2025.

Voice of OC. “Will Construction Jams on the 55 Freeway Payoff for Commuters?” February 21, 2025.

U.N. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. “USC study shows which street network designs are more resilient to disasters.” November 25, 2024.

Charlotte Magazine. “Charlotte Traffic: 5 Secrets of the Anti-Grid.” July 15, 2024.

The Atlantic. “City Planning’s Greatest Innovation Makes a Comeback.” February 15, 2024.

The Dominion Post. “Are One-Way Streets Hurting Morgantown’s Downtown?” February 3, 2024.

CNU Public Square. “Traveling Near and Far toward Low-Carbon Cities.” January 17, 2024.

KPCC/LAist Radio. “LA Traffic Is Worse, But Not Terrible and It Probably Won’t Get Better.” November 16, 2023.

San Francisco Chronicle. “We Want to Build a City of Yesterday.” October 25, 2023.

Streetsblog USA. “White Roads through Black Bedrooms: How Urban Freeways Cemented Spatial Inequalities.” October 19, 2023.

El Universal (Colombia). “Cartagena y Su Infraestructura Vial.” July 18, 2023.

Afro LA. “Unequal Air: The Pollution Legacy of Segregation and the Freeway Boom in Los Angeles.” June 19, 2023.

MReport Magazine. “How Digitalization Changes How People Search for, Finance Housing.” May 5, 2023.

Spectrum News (TV). “Inside the Issues with Alex Cohen.” May 1, 2023.

Streets MN. “New Research Highlights the Problems of Urban Freeways.” April 27, 2023.

Los Angeles Times. “How White and Affluent Drivers Are Polluting the Air Breathed by L.A.’s People of Color.” March 9, 2023.

Los Angeles Times. “L.A. Residents Who Drive Less Are Exposed to More Air Pollution, Study Finds.” March 7, 2023.

The Economist. “The Decline of the City Grid.” December 20, 2022.

Planetizen. “Sustainability Goals Go Unmet in Many Global Cities.” November 17, 2022.

Streetsblog USA. “How Walkable Cities Foster Public Health.” September 22, 2022.

Forbes. “We Are Not Doing Enough To Make Our Cities Healthier.” June 20, 2022.

Planetizen. “Urban Design, Transport, and Health.” May 20, 2022.

New Zealand Herald. “Aucklanders Waiting Too Long for Buses, Research Finds.” May 13, 2022.

Stuff (New Zealand). “Auckland Lacking Health-Focused Public Transport Policy – Study.” May 13, 2022.

The Guardian. “Australian Cities among Worst Performing on Walkability and Public Transport Access.” May 11, 2022.

Tasmanian Times. “Australian Cities Out-of-Step on Walkability, Transport.” May 11, 2022.

Noticias del Mundo. “Ciudades Australianas entre las de Peor Desempeño en Accesibilidad para Peatones y Transporte Público.” May 11, 2022. “Building a Global System to Measure Sustainable Cities.” May 11, 2022.

The Guardian. “Could Flying Electric ‘Air Taxis’ Help Fix Urban Transportation?” October 25, 2021.

NRC Handelsblad (Netherlands). “Nederlandse Straten Liggen Vaak in Keurige Patronen.” August 27, 2021.

La Repubblica (Italy). “Il Pianeta Sulla Griglia.” June 18, 2021.

Chicago Magazine. “Why Chicago’s Grid Is a Model of Perfect Urban Order.” June 17, 2021.

Jalopnik. “How Your City’s Road Configuration Compares To Others.” June 12, 2021.

NBC Charlotte. “Yes, According to a Study, Charlotte Has One of the Most Disordered Street Layouts.” June 8, 2021.

Slate. “In Charge and Online.” February 26, 2021.

Congress for the New Urbanism. “The Grid Makes a Comeback.” December 1, 2020.

Next City. “What a Biden Transportation Program Will Look Like.” November 12, 2020.

Apogeo (Italy). “5 Risposte Su… Imparare a Pensare in Modo Creativo con il Graphic Design.” October 30, 2020.

Arch Daily. “Big Data and Urbanism: How to Organize Information for Optimal Application.” April 15, 2020.

Arch Daily Brasil. “Big Data e Urbanismo: Como Sintetizar Informações Complexas para Aplicação Prática?” April 4, 2020.

Talking Headways Podcast. “Episode 275: The Communist Leanings of Charlotte (Streets).” March 12, 2020.

Plataforma Arquitectura (Chile). “Big Data y Urbanismo, ¿Cómo Sintetizar Información Compleja para Su Aplicación Práctica?” February 27, 2020.

Forbes. “See Your City In A New Way.” December 30, 2019.

Heise Magazine (Germany). “Die Gute City: Quelloffene Tools für Stadtplaner.” November 25, 2019.

MIT Technology Review. “What Makes a City Great? A New Way to Look at Urban Data Will Give Us Clues.” October 16, 2019.

PBS NOVA. “With ‘Problems Out There Waiting for Us,’ Public Health Practitioners Turn to AI for Help.” April 11, 2019.

Courrier International (France). “Quelles sont les villes à l’urbanisme le plus ‘chaotique?'” September 17, 2018.

Planetizen. “Chart Your City’s Street Network to Understand its Logic.” August 14, 2018.

FiveThirtyEight. “Comparing US City Street Orientations.” August 1, 2018.

CityLab. “Visualizing the Hidden Logic of Cities.” July 26, 2018.

99 Percent Invisible. “On the Grid: Visualizing Street Network Orientations Across 50 Global Cities.” July 20, 2018.

New Statesman CityMetric. “Do British Cities Have Grid Systems? We Used Science to Find Out.” July 23, 2018.

The Big Think. “Street Grids Matter More to Your Commute than You Might Think.” July 23, 2018.

Fast Company. “How Crazy Is Your City’s Plan?” July 16, 2018.

TYS Magazine (Spain). “Comparando las Orientaciones de las Calles de las Ciudades.” July 16, 2018.

NRC Handelsblad (Netherlands). “Deze Kaartjes Laten Zien Welke Wereldstad Het Kronkeligst Is.” July 14, 2018.

Meduza (Russia). “Исследователь из США придумал удивительную визуализацию, объясняющую устройство городов.” July 14, 2018.

The Boston Globe. “Boston’s Streets Do Go in All Sorts of Directions.” July 12, 2018.

Flowing Data. “Street Network Orientation in Major Cities.” July 12, 2018.

Slate. “Elegant Graphs Reduce 25 American Cities to Their Design Essence.” July 11, 2018.

ABC 5 Boston. “This Explains Why Newcomers Have Such a Hard Time Navigating Boston.” July 11, 2018.

Streets MN. “Minneapolis Street Grid Orientation vs Other US Cities.” July 11, 2018.

Chicago Magazine. “What Craigslist Can Tell Us About Rents in Chicago.” January 24, 2018.

Urban Land Magazine. “Barcelona’s Experiment with Superblocks.” Fall 2017, p. 132.

CityLab. “The Absurd Musings of the ‘City Describer’ Twitter Bot.” September 21, 2017.

Design Taxi. “Microsoft’s AI Fails At Captioning Picturesque Cityscapes To Hilarious Effect.” September 21, 2017.

T Journal (Russia). “Разработчик научил бота Microsoft описывать города на фото, но он не всегда справляется.” September 20, 2017.

The Next Web. “Watch Microsoft’s AI suck at captioning gorgeous city landscapes on Twitter.” September 20, 2017.

General Pop Magazine (France). “Quand l’IA de Microsoft Confond des Immeubles et des Cactus.” September 20, 2017.

The San Francisco Chronicle. “Stunning, Simple Maps Show San Francisco versus Other Global Cities.” June 19, 2017.

The Daily Mail. “Square Mile Maps Reveal How Different the World’s Cities Really Are.” June 9, 2017.

Core 77. “Geoff Boeing’s Square-Mile Street Network Visualization Tool Reveals Wildly Different Ideas about Urban Planning.” February 27, 2017.

Time Out New York. “Compare a Square Mile of NYC’s Street Grid to Cities All over the World.” February 16, 2017.

Mental Floss. “What a Square Mile of a City’s Grid Looks Like Around the World.” February 13, 2017.

Flowing Data. “One Square Mile in Different Cities.” February 10, 2017.

Forbes. “Understanding Our Cities, Thanks To Beautiful Maps.” February 7, 2017.

Fast Company. “Turn Your Local Streets Into A Map That Reveals The Character Of Your Neighborhood.” February 6, 2017.

Planetizen. “Comparing a Square Mile of the World’s Famous Cities.” January 27, 2017.

Domus Magazine. “Do-It-Yourself City Mapping.” January 23, 2017.

NextCity. “Compare City Grids With This Street Network Tool.” January 23, 2017.

CityLab. “A Digital Window Into Your City’s Urban Form.” January 17, 2017.

Discovery News. “Compare City Street Grids One Square Mile at a Time.” January 9, 2017.

Builder Magazine. “The Housing Market According to Craigslist.” September 2, 2016.

The Washington Post. “What More than 1 Million Craigslist Rental Listings Tell Us about the Housing Market.” September 1, 2016.

Fast Company. “11 Million Craigslist Ads Show Which Cities Have The Highest Rents.” September 1, 2016.

CityLab. “For Quick Housing Data, Hit Craigslist.” August 31, 2016.

Curbed. “The Typical Craigslist Listing across 58 U.S. Metro Areas.” August 29, 2016.

NextCity. “What 11 Million Craigslist Posts Show About Affordable Housing.” August 26, 2016.

The San Francisco Chronicle. “The Prices on Craigslist Rental Listings Are Lowest on This Day.” August 26, 2016.

American Media Institute Newswire. “Home Rental Costs Up Nationwide.” June 16, 2016.

National Low Income Housing Coalition. “Study Uses Craigslist to Examine Rental Housing Markets.” June 13, 2016.

The Daily Californian. “Berkeley Announces Retrofittings for More than Half of City’s Soft-Story Buildings.” October 6, 2015.