
OSMnx v1.1 Released

OSMnx v1.1.0 has been released. It includes several new features, bug fixes, and performance enhancements. I encourage you to upgrade and take advantage of everything new. I’ll summarize some of the key improvements in this post.

You can now use OSMnx to attach node elevations from local raster files, using the new add_node_elevations_raster function. This can take either a single raster file or a list of raster files (for example, the complete set of ASTER or SRTM DEM tiles). If you pass OSMnx a list of raster files, it automatically creates a virtual raster VRT, composed of the rasters at those filepaths, for efficient querying. By default, it uses all available CPUs for multiprocessing but you can configure this with an argument. As a frame of reference, OSMnx can now add elevations to every node in a mid-sized city like Oakland, California in under 1 second.

OSMnx v1.1 also includes a new plot_orientation function to plot polar histograms of street network orientation, and an orientation_entropy function to calculate the entropy of street network bearings. It also now exposes all of its individual street network stats functions in the stats module for easier use.

The new sample_points function allows you to randomly sample points constrained to a spatial graph. Unlike typical spatially uniform random sampling, this method accounts for the graph’s geometry. And unlike equal-length edge segmenting, it guarantees uniform randomness.

OSMnx v1.1 includes new nearest_nodes and nearest_edges functions in the distance module for simpler, faster nearest node/edge search (and deprecates the old node/edge search functions in their favor). It also vectorizes the add_edge_lengths, add_edge_grades, calculate_bearing, and add_edge_bearings functions for faster operation. Finally, v1.1 multi-indexes the GeoDataFrames returned from the geometries module by element type and osmid, for data structures more consistent with the rest of the package.

For more, check out the documentation and usage examples for demonstrations of everything.

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