OSMnx is a Python package for easily downloading and analyzing street networks anywhere in the world. Among other analyses, we can use it to explore street network orientation. That is, what are the bearings and spatial orientations of the streets in the network? All of the code for this example is in this GitHub notebook. First we use OSMnx to download the street network of Moraga, California, a small town in the hills just east of Berkeley:
OSMnx automatically calculates all of the streets’ bearings. Specifically it calculates the compass bearing from each directed edge’s origin node u to its destination node v. Now we can visualize these bearings, binned together as a histogram to get a sense of the relative frequency of the streets’ spatial orientations. Or better yet, we can project that histogram as a polar plot to match the compass bearings:
In the polar plot above, it’s easy to see how Moraga’s street orientations are scattered in all directions, much as we’d expect given its winding, dendritic street network pattern. By contrast, we can download the street network of Santa Monica, California, a small city surrounded by western Los Angeles:
We can easily see that Santa Monica has a more orthogonal, grid-like street network than Moraga does. This is clearly reflected in its polar plot:
In this polar plot, Santa Monica’s orthogonal grid is clearly visible in the clustering of its streets’ compass bearings. We can further use these clustered (or not clustered) bearings to calculate indicators of the urban form, such as how grid-like or non-grid-like different cities’ or neighborhoods’ street networks are. For more, check out this example notebook, read this overview of OSMnx, or get OSMnx from GitHub.
5 replies on “Street Network Orientation”
OSMnx seems like a great package — I’ve been reading through your archives and the examples of it in use are super interesting. I wish I’d know about it sooner as I’ve been doing a daily-mapping project. In particular this network orientation plot shares a similar sentiment to an orientation map I did a few weeks back: http://anotheridea.co/2018/02/14/parallel-and-perpendicular-029/
Thanks for publishing the package and the great examples — excited to use OSMnx in the future!
I really like your research and have been following your work on OSMnx – looks to be an incredible tool.
Perhaps I am just ignorant and this has already been asked, but have you given any thought to creating a QGIS or Arcgis plugin for this? I think that it will make it much easier and assessable for users (such as myself) who do not have any background in python, or programming for that matter, but want to use these types of analysis.
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