
Urban Form and OpenStreetMap

My chapter “Exploring Urban Form Through OpenStreetMap Data: A Visual Introduction” has just been published in the new book Urban Experience and Design: Contemporary Perspectives on Improving the Public Realm edited by Justin Hollander and Ann Sussman.

From the abstract:

This chapter introduces OpenStreetMap—a crowdsourced, worldwide mapping project and geospatial data repository—to illustrate its usefulness in quickly and easily analyzing and visualizing planning and design outcomes in the built environment. It demonstrates the OSMnx toolkit for automatically downloading, modeling and visualizing spatial data from OpenStreetMap. We explore patterns and configurations in street networks and buildings around the world computationally through visualization methods—including figure-ground diagrams and polar histograms—that help compress urban complexity into comprehensible artifacts that reflect the human experience of the built environment. Ubiquitous urban data and computation can open up new urban form analyses from both quantitative and qualitative perspectives.

For more, check out the chapter.


Geospatial Tool Building

My new article “The Right Tools for the Job: The Case for Spatial Science Tool-Building” has been published in Transactions in GIS (free PDF). I originally presented this paper as the 8th annual Transactions in GIS plenary address at the AAG annual meeting last year. I argue that tool-building is an essential but poorly incentivized component of academic geography and social science more broadly. To conduct better science, we need to build better tools. Better tools and data models, spearheaded by academics, can help infuse theory into our field’s quantitative work where it is too often lacking. But if we want better tools, we have to build them. It is not ESRI’s job to satisfy all the theoretical needs of the spatial sciences.


AnyConnect VPN on Linux

I run Linux on my school computer, which I brought home to get work done during the stay-at-home order. But when I tried to set up a VPN connection, I was surprised to discover that USC IT didn’t seem to provide a Linux client for Cisco AnyConnect. When I contacted them to ask how to connect, I was informed that “at this time IT doesn’t support Linux.” Shrug emoji.

Fortunately I do support Linux, so if anyone else wants to connect to the USC AnyConnect VPN, here’s how. You could roll your own solution using OpenConnect and a vpnc-script, but that’s complicated. Instead, you can download a current Linux client for Cisco AnyConnect here (you’re welcome). Install it and run it.

You want to connect to (the normal server does not work here). To log in, enter your normal USC username and password. For “second password” open your Duo Security app, generate a two-factor code, and enter it here. And ta-da, you’re in.

Linux Cisco AnyConnect VPN client


Online Rental Housing Market Representation

My article, Online Rental Housing Market Representation and the Digital Reproduction of Urban Inequality, has just been published in Environment and Planning A (download free PDF). It explores the representation of different communities in online rental listings from two perspectives: 1) how might biases in representativeness impact housing planners’ knowledge of rental markets, and 2) how might information inequality impact residential mobility, community legibility, gentrification, and housing voucher utilization?


Street Network Analysis in a Docker Container

Containerization is the way of the future present. I’ve heard feedback from some folks over the past few months who would like to play around with OSMnx for street network analysis, transport modeling, and urban design—but can’t because they can’t install Python and its data science stack on their computers. Furthermore, it would be nice to have a consistent reference environment to deploy on AWS or elsewhere in the cloud.

So, I’ve created a docker image containing OSMnx, Jupyter, and the rest of the Python geospatial data science stack, available on docker hub alongside additional usage instructions. If you’re starting from scratch, you can get started in four simple steps:


New Article: Craigslist Housing Markets in JPER

Our article “New Insights into Rental Housing Markets across the United States: Web Scraping and Analyzing Craigslist Rental Listings” is finally appearing in print in the Journal of Planning Education and Research‘s forthcoming winter issue. We collected, validated, and analyzed 11 million Craigslist rental listings to discover fine-grained patterns across metropolitan housing markets in the United States.

Map of 1.5 million Craigslist rental listings in the contiguous U.S., divided into quintiles by each listing's rent per square foot. Published in JPER: the Journal of Planning Education and Research.